Skiing is for Everyone
Providing an adaptive means so all can ski
The Southern Ski Club for the Disabled (SSCD) has over 40 years of experience in supporting the disabled in Skiing. Regardless of the ability, we provide an adaptive means that makes it possible to give skiers a sense of achievement, independence and self-confidence.
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Ski Sessions
Monthly Ski Sessions
Sesssions run throughout the year from Sept – July, except in August.
All sessions are held on a monthly basis on the first Saturday of each
All Skiers, Helpers, Volunteers and Spectators wishing to attend, must register prior to sessions via the online registeration form.
Contact Us
DBS Checking
Safeguarding at SSCD
We at SSCD, have adopted the Snowsport England (SE), Policy and Practices regarding Safeguarding of all members of SSCD which we take very seriously as a Club.
We encourage our Guides and Volunteers to have a current DBS certificate through SE. Our Club Welfare Officer can assist you with any questions you may have.
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